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Tips on how to do B2B networking

3 Ways to Build Great B2B Relationships

Having a great product or service is simply not enough to enjoy strong sales (especially online), which is why it is crucial to build strong relationships with other organizations.

But recognizing that your enterprise can succeed or fail depending on the quality and quantity of the business relationships around you is one thing - finding and nurturing those partnerships is another thing entirely.

This article highlights three techniques that have proven themselves to be invaluable when it comes to ensuring that your company is constantly growing a powerful network of allies.

1. Dedicated Outreach

When it comes to startups, I have stuck my foot into almost every hole imaginable and have learned lessons the hard way. In particular, one of the biggest mistakes I made (and one I think many companies make) is relying on passive marketing channels to grow the business.

By passive, I mean things like organic search traffic from Google and word-of-mouth. Both of these strategies are fantastic ways to grow a startup, but they tend to rely on a threshold amount of visibility and interest in the first place.

To hit that threshold, you have to work to grow reputation and authority, and the only way to do this is to get out there and start helping/working with/advising/chatting/socializing and generally being seen.

Social Marketing Quick Start

115,000+ businesses trust SocialPilot to manage social media, schedule posts, improve engagement & analyze results.

  • Social media marketing with SocialPilot
  • Use SocialPilot to help you understand the audience and create better engagement with them.

    If you're looking to grow into the social media space then it's vital to have insights into how your engagements are performing, as well as planning and executing campaigns from start to finish.

Bite the bullet and pay for a good person (someone who is well-spoken, friendly, outgoing, intelligent, etc) to research and identify important potential partners, reach out, and build relationships - using the right marketing tools to be cost-effective and efficient.

Waiting for passive marketing strategies to work can take years and years, whereas being proactive and reaching out to people can have exciting results in a matter of days, weeks, and months.

2. Real Relationships

Any company that I am involved in ends up having to rewire the way they think about customer service and support - that goes for business customers too.

Social Quick Start

Use SocialPilot to manage social media, schedule social media posts, improve engagement & analyze results.

  • Social media outreach starts with SocialPilot
  • Whether you are blogging or selling, the traffic and customers driving your profits can be grown using one or more of the major social networks.

    Save time and effort by managing all your social media profiles from one convenient location. Plenty of tools and support help you get the most from social.

A complaint from a company you work with isn't an unpleasant chore, it's an opportunity to learn more about the people you work with.

Almost all of the time, a complaint that is dealt with efficiently and effectively ends up as a net, overall positive experience for everyone involved. Once someone's problem has been resolved, take a few minutes to thank them for their time and offer them a personal, direct line to more help if they should ever need it. Like this:

"Thanks Bill, glad we were able to help. Please feel free to get in touch with me directly if you ever need anything in future."

In doing so, you build a bridge to that client based on an experience that goes beyond the traditional client/service relationship. They feel that they have a special, personal relationship with your company and this makes it harder for them to consider switching to a competitor that doesn't share that connection.

3. Creative Partnerships

Are there companies out there that could make use of your products and services in such a way as to promote your company? Is there a way to collaborate on something for mutual benefit?

Research Quick Start

Research potential partners' websites to learn about their back-links and how they integrate into your market.

  • Analyze competitors' backlinks and SEO using SEMRush
  • Analyze any website using SEMRush and learn how they can potentially help you.

    Understand your niche to make better marketing decisions, capture higher page rankings in Google, make valuable new connections and boost your earnings quickly.

    Don't waste time guessing what it takes to win valuable search keywords. Work out who is winning. Find out who links to them. Use that knowledge.

    Try it out. Research a website right now.

You are able to use SEMRush for free by signing up. However, the free plan is limited to 10 requests per day - thereafter a paid plan is required.

For example, I was approached by a startup that needed sales data in order to set up a product comparison site that would allow shoppers to compare the direct sales performance of any two products one-on-one.

It's a great idea, right? If you are doing Xmas shopping and want to know which computer game is the right one to buy for your nephew, then being able to see which game is more popular based on their online sales volumes is pretty useful right?

It means you no longer have to rely on what the game developers say about their game... or what the critics (who are often paid for their opinions) say about the game. You can look directly at what the market says about it.

One of my startups provides accurate sales and price analytics for online products. I had the data they needed... but they couldn't afford it.

No problem.

Potentially tens of thousands of new people could be exposed to my service by ensuring that wherever that data is used, there is attribution. And, what's more, I could negotiate for a cut in the revenue generated.

So, my company may not make much, if any, revenue out of the deal initially. But, it's free exposure. The equivalent amount of exposure from paid advertising might be very expensive.

Where are there gaps that your business can trade on for exposure and visibility? Finding the right one could mean real, sustained growth for almost negligible cost.

Creating viral social media content

For many bloggers, webmasters and entrepreneurs there's nothing quite as exciting as seeing an article or brand mention taking on a life of its own and gener

How to work with social media effectively

Social media marketing is one of those things that most entrepreneurs and small business owners wonder if they really need.

In general, my answer is yes, but I need to qualify that by saying that the amount of time, effort and cash you invest must be proportional to the returns you want (and can realistically achieve).

I serve on the board of a wonderful not-for-profit, registered charity, and we have utilized the tools and technologies provided by the Web, and in particular, social media, to drive visibility, engagement, and awareness that would simply be out of reach otherwise.

Be your own free marketing service using the top digital marketing tools.

Take charge of your business' growth by mastering one or more of the leading digital marketing tools and learn to make better strategic decisions to save mon

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The first time I started an online business I spent the vast majority of my time actually creating the service.

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Everyone knows that in order to make more money online you either have to increase the volumes of website traffic, or increase conversion rates (or both

Take an innovative approach to marketing

If you're in the business of making and selling unique stuff then the marketing strategies you use should reflect the creativity of your products in order to reach out to the right people.

Fortunately the Internet is full of the "right people" just waiting to place an order. But your message has to find them in the right place in the right way.

That's why it pays to think creatively about marketing instead of following the pack and doing the same old "tried and tested" things.

Email marketing intro

Email marketing is a popular and effective online strategy for small businesses (as well as large corporates).

Influencer marketing

Imagine you could hire a Jedi to sell your products and reach out to new people using their famous mindtricks. Seems almost unfair, right?

3 common affiliate marketing mistakes

Starting an affiliate program to market your business online is a great way to get real growth - but it comes with dangers that you must manage pro-actively from the start.

By definition, affiliate marketing hands a degree of control over to the publishers who market on your behalf.

Because these publishers are incentivized with sales commissions, they may end up using advertising and promotional strategies that your own company might not be comfortable with.

Free email marketing setup guide. Pic by Wayne Stadler

Modern email marketing campaigns, especially from small businesses, need to be able to grow a killer mailing list and deliver awesome emails to the right aud

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It can be a challenge, especially if you're new to the game, understanding what marketing jargon means.

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