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3 content marketing strategies that work like magic

"Are you looking for some great content marketing strategies that will help to generate plenty of buzz around your blog posts and articles?"

Content marketing is not only important for getting your content read by other people.

One of its primary purposes is to help establish authority so that your content enjoys high page rankings and gets plenty of organic search traffic from Google.

This article highlights three magic marketing strategies to increase your website traffic, and dominate Google search results with your content.

1. Share your top content with specific influencers

It's not realistic to write a great article and expect it to go viral and shoot to the top of Google search results.

Instead, target a handful of social influencers who would be personally interested in that piece of content. Make sure you go straight to the people you want to reach, it's no good spamming their company website.

For example, I wrote an article entitled Top result in Google search against Google's own guidelines that showed how Google was returning content advising people to do the exact opposite of Google's own Webmaster guidelines in the number one position.

Obviously, this type of article would be interesting to the SEO community, and to Google itself.

I shared my tweets with some of the leading SEO influencers as well as Matt Cutts - the engineer in charge of Google's webspam team in a tweet:

You might be interested: Top result in Google search against Google's own guidelines http://SME @rustybrick @randfish @mattcutts

When sharing content to targeted influencers, it's important that you share:

  1. only the best content
  2. content that is unique/unusual/insightful/buzzworthy
  3. content that is directly of interest to those individuals

Sharing the right content with the right people will help generate plenty of buzz and lots of traffic. This helps set the stage for Google to start ranking your content highly and sending plenty of long term search traffic.

By contrast, if you continually spam influencers with poor quality content, or content that is simply not that newsworthy, you will end up being ignored.

Social sharing tip: Twitter is a great platform for reaching out directly to social influencers because many of them monitor their twitter interactions.

2. Always build credibility

Reaching out to other people to tell them about your content is a lot easier when they know who you are. But, when you're first starting out no-one recognizes you.

So how do you get around this?

The answer is to spend time laying a foundation of trust and credibility by contributing to the blogs, forums, and communities of the influencers you know are going to play a role in your own success down the road.

I am far more likely to take the time to read an article by someone who I know has contributed to my blog. Someone who has written a guest blog for SME Pals. Someone who has previously done something for me without asking for anything in return.

And, if I take the time to read their blog (because their name stands out over the multitude of spammy requests I get every day), I will probably mention it, tweet it, or even write about it.

Credibility tip: Plan ahead. Make sure that you have built credibility with the right people weeks or months before you need to leverage that relationship.

3. Be contemporary

Creating contemporary content is not as easy as it sounds - especially since, like most businesses, you probably have limited resources to devote to creating high quality content.

There are lots of different types of content that cater for different audiences, or to different demands within your niche industry. For example, you might need to create a bunch of reference and technical type articles to help readers understand what your business is all about.

Obviously, unless you are specifically a news site, not all the content you create should be news.

But, a reasonable percent of your content should deal with contemporary issues. Offering intelligent opinion, insight, and advice on cutting edge issues, trends and developments in your niche, will establish you as a thought leader.

There is great value in being recognized as an influencer by other leading influencers, because they are the ones who will bring you exposure to the rest of the industry.

When someone with 1 000 000 twitter followers blogs about you, and shares the article with their network, it's going to have a positive effect on your niche authority and visibility.

But this will only happen if you are in a position to influence those people in the first place. And those people tend only to be interested in cutting edge trends, new developments, and profound insights.

So those are my three top content marketing tips to help get your content noticed, buzzing, and generating tonnes of juicy Web traffic from organic search.

What other marketing strategies do you use to promote your blog or business content? Share your tips, ideas, and questions in the comments.

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